Location: Senegal, Africa
Guy and Jane have already worked in Dakar, Senegal for a number of years. They have been involved with Dakar Academy, which is a mission school in Senegal’s capital city. During their ministry there they have become involved with a number of ministries to this West African nation. One of the major avenues of ministry has been to the desperately needy children of that city. The Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada is beginning to look at the possibility of a much more intentional relationship with the national church of this nation. Guy and Jane will play an important role in setting our agenda for this relationship. Pray for them and for Senegal itself, since it is mostly a Muslim country with very little Gospel witness.

Anniversary: August 17
Address: B.P. 3187, Dakar Academy, Dakar, Senegal, West Africa
E-mail: famillepen@orange.sn
Roy & Avis Rideout
Location: Thailand, Pacific Asia
Since our small beginning in a rented house in May of ’96, with God’s help and blessing we have graduated to having our own facility on a large property outside the city of Chiang Mai with adequate accommodations and also room for expansion. At Nikki’s Place – Agape Home we currently care for 100 children ranging in age from a couple months to about 20 years. Most of our older children, teens and pre-teens, live in family homes in the Jarawee Village adjacent to our original property. Practically all the children are enjoying good health and several of the oldest have moved out to live independently while working or continuing with post secondary studies. We are extremely grateful to God for his faithfulness in enabling us to have such an impressive facility as Nikki’s Place – Agape Home, where many lives are being touched by the love and power of God. Nikki & Tata are studying in Canadawhile Josh & his wife, Anita, are living and working in Bangkok. Only Caleb is still here in Chiang Mai.

Birthdays: Roy (February 4), Avis (November 23), Caleb (June 1, 86), Nikki (November 6, 92), Tatyana (March 1, 96)
Anniversary: August 31
Address: Box 95, Chiang Mai, 50,000, Thailand
E-mail: rarideout@hotmail.com
Ian & Tiffany Rowley
Location: Cambodia
In 2012 we embarked on an incredible journey to Cambodia with our family. God has placed a strong call on our lives and we love living out that journey every single day! Some of the areas of ministry we pour ourselves into are; teaching at the Cambodian Bible Institute, managing and running a student drop in center at the second largest university in Phnom Penh, administering the Child Care Plus program which has grown to over 350 children as of 2015, a team member on the Children’s Committee for the country, and mentoring church planters. Emilyn and Sophia are flourishing where God has placed us and are part of the ministry with us. God has been doing great things and we are seeing much fruit to the work being done. Thank you for being a part of it all and believe with us for great things!

Birthday: Ian: June 12
Tiffanie: October 11
Emilyn: November 22, 2010
Sophia: December 20, 2012
Anniversary: July 5
Address: c/o Assemblies of God Box 130 Phnom Penh, Cambodia
E-mail: irowley@paoc.org
Anna Dearing
Location: Tanzania
In August 2010 I arrived in Mwanza, Tanzania as the new director of ChildCARE Plus (CCP Tanzania) which is a sponsorship program, one of the many ministries of Emergency Relief and Development Overseas (ERDO).Tanzania, a country of 40 million people, is one of the 28 countries in which CCP ministers. We are reaching out to over 7000 children by assisting families to secure food, clothes, education and medicine, all the while finding ways to assure these same children and families are directly exposed to the message of Jesus and His love (this is the “plus” meaning). My role includes all administration aspects of filing, receiving and distributing money and directing/overseeing field administrators; visiting families to ensure children are cared for properly; maintaining connection with ERDO/PAOC through reporting and policy procedures; and keeping sponsors informed along with fostering contact between children and sponsors. Please pray for the many children and parents who are affected by HIV/AIDS and for the thousands of children who are abandoned or orphaned each day. It is my desire to expand the current ministry of CCP in this area and new cities and villages, but also to incorporate ways of teaching the children we serve to develop community and life skills that will enable them to become capable, godly leaders of their country!
Cavell Rowsell
Location: Thailand, South East Asia
Cavell has been involved in various ministries in Thailand since 1977. She has taught missionary kids, instructed Thai students at English-as-a-Second Language programs, written Sunday school curriculum and trained teachers in the use of this curriculum, she has taught and continues to be a part of the administration at Thailand Pentecostal Bible College. In her role of National facilitator for the PAOC(Thailand division), she also serves the Full Gospel Assemblies of Thailand as an advisor to the Church Planting and Leadership Development Committees, Women’s Ministries, Christian Education,, Agape and Abundant Love/Blessing Children’s Homes and various Boards of Education, as well as helping with developing and training Thai missionaries. She is blessed with three grandchildren, Anda and Andrew (Jip) and Runn (Benz). Please pray for the family as they learn to deal with the sudden death of Benz this July 2015 and Cavell’s return to work in Bangkok.

Birthdays: Cavell (December 25)
Address: 195 Udomsuk 37, Sukhmuvit 103, Bangkok,Thailand 10261
E-mail: cavellrowsell@yahoo.ca